Counselling from a Mobile Device

By |2023-06-16T22:28:06+01:00October 2, 2018|Counsellors Online Blog|

Counselling, therapy and life coaching has seen a dramatic rise in popularity, especially counselling from a mobile device, with people under previously unheard of time pressures, busy lives mean most people want to do their business on the move and that goes for online personal therapy too, if it's available. The good news is with many therapists now offering professional [...]

SAD and Depression

By |2023-06-16T22:31:47+01:00January 11, 2018|Counsellors Online Blog|

SAD, or Seasonal affective disorder is a recognisable mood disorder, generally effecting people who have more stable mental health throughout most of the year, but exhibit depressive symptoms at a particular time each year, most commonly in the winter. There are a lot of common sense reasons why a lot of people have the blues around this time of year, all the [...]

How to Raise Happier Children

By |2023-06-16T22:34:15+01:00December 16, 2016|Counsellors Online Blog|

Happier children aren't born, they are nurtured. One of the most important yet challenging parental responsibilities is teaching them how to be happy! This gift and attribute will not only cement a lasting connection between parent and child, but it will enable our child to look back on childhood with fondness and become the fully functioning adult we hope for [...]

Self Belief for Everyday

By |2023-06-16T22:36:02+01:00September 8, 2016|Counsellors Online Blog|

Self belief - 3 for everyday Self Belief - Our belief that today's problems will not last forever How many times have we thought that we'd never get through the particular crisis or worry we're currently experiencing and yet, get through them we did. Thinking back on some of those times reminds us of one very important human commodity 'resilience' the [...]

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Am I Depressed?

By |2023-06-16T22:36:03+01:00August 23, 2016|Counsellors Online Blog|

I'm Depressed! There won't be many of us who haven't had those words roll off our tongues at some stage in our lives, its a much over used statement, but what is the difference between having a crappy day and deep rooted Depression, clinical depression. Am I Depressed? The first issue is to work out if it is actually depression or [...]

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