Two bullies named David.
Today I write to the pair of you in order to let the two of you know the pain and anguish I have endured since my time at ……. Primary School (38 years ago, by the way).
Now I’m not sure if you have any memories of me or even of the times you tortured me and chased me home giving me a hiding at every opportunity, but as of today I want you to know. I don’t lay the blame fully at your doors as you were victims as well to a fashion, as the architect of the
punishment vetted out was someone else and you were merely the tools by which that punishment was handed out.
On arrival in a new place, ……. was quiet yet exciting, when we came to school I don’t even remember how people were with my brother and myself. What I do remember is the intimidation and the fear I lived under when you came to call. Can you even imagine how I must have felt running home from school most nights with a pack of rabid dogs baying at my heels.
I was young then but was still in fear of my life. I can still remember one incident on Church Street knocking on a door begging for shelter and help. This day will live with me forever.
I am right now going through another bout of severe depression. These bouts of depression take me down to the darkest places a person could ever be. By darkest places I mean to places where there can be no happiness, there is little in the way of life only blackness, sadness and despair.
Looking up from these dark places is difficult with no escape imminent, it’s only by the help from loved ones and family that any escape is possible. I am one of the lucky ones.
I hope upon reading this you will be able to reflect and ask for some forgiveness and upon reflection go out and do something worthwhile and charitable in order to pay some penance.
Good luck and God bless
Stevie – (38 years on) Feb 2014