New Year’s Resolutions

By |2023-06-16T22:34:14+01:00December 31, 2016|Counsellors Online Blog|

At New Year we often take a look inwardly at our lives, specifically on things we would like to change, New Year resolutions are very common and most of us will state that we are going to change something we aren't happy about. for many of us, we use the occasion to motivate ourselves to make changes, after all there [...]


By |2023-06-16T22:36:08+01:00December 28, 2014|Counsellors Online Blog|

Change We change our socks and underwear regularly, there are good reasons for this, it helps us feel fresh and clean, and draws people to us, there's nothing more certain to drive people away from us than the smell of stale body odour. We sometimes change our clothing style or our hairstyles in an effort to freshen our image, it's [...]

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