Don’t Stress : Recognise stress & reduce it

By |2023-06-16T22:42:42+01:00January 22, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

We sometimes use the word stress to describe our lives when they are a little hectic, but isn't life always hectic for most people? We all get stressed at times, it doesn't mean that we are all going around with dangerous stress levels all of the time, so why are some people better at coping with pressures than others. Well, [...]

Does Love ever Die? : Love & relationship insights

By |2023-06-16T22:42:43+01:00January 21, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

A long term relationship or what is considered true love may fizzle out and end, but it is it likely that the love is lost completely? Maybe the 'in love' stage has long since passed, but what usually replaces the 'in love' stage of a relationship is often a deeper friendship and the beginning of a soul mate type relationship. [...]

The Meaning of Happiness : Living in the moment

By |2023-06-16T22:42:45+01:00January 18, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

In my eleven years of working as a professional counsellor with children and adults in various settings, I have come to some conclusions, I don't for one moment want to put across that this is a scientific or researched article, it is simply the observations of someone who loves getting to know people, I mean really getting to know in [...]

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