Stressed at Work? Coaching Your Way to a Healthier, Happier Career.

Do you struggle to get out of bed for work? Find yourself daydreaming about quitting your job? Experience anger while at work? Or feel like you’re not performing at your best? If any of these sound familiar, you could be experiencing work-related stress. This type of stress can affect your work performance and impact on your life more generally. The good news is that work-related stress counseling is effective in helping to reduce and better manage stress, improving your work situation, safeguarding your career and improving life more generally.

A stressful woman at her desk.

Some common questions people often have about work-related stress:

Work-related stress is when your job or workplace makes you feel really worried, overwhelmed, or anxious. It’s like having a heavy load of worries because of your work. This stress can affect how you feel and act, both at work and in your personal life. It’s important to recognise and manage work-related stress to stay healthy and do your best at your job.

Work-related stress occurs when your job or the conditions at your workplace create excessive pressure or tension. This stress can stem from various factors, such as having too much or too little work, facing tight deadlines, experiencing conflicts with colleagues or superiors, working long or irregular hours, doing repetitive tasks, feeling unfulfilled or bored with your job, working in isolation, job insecurity, dealing with changes in your job or organisation, receiving low pay, handling emotionally taxing job demands, and enduring poor working conditions like noise, hazardous materials, overcrowding, or uncomfortable temperatures.

The situation can become even more challenging if there is workplace bullying, conflict, harassment, or a lack of concern for employees’ well-being. When an organisation lacks effective leadership and sets work arrangements, deadlines, and demands without involving its staff in decision-making, it can create uncertainty about roles, objectives, and responsibilities among employees.

Feeling stressed because of work can affect you in many ways. You might feel tired all the time, have trouble sleeping, or get sick more often. You could also have a constant feeling of fatigue, forget things, have unexplained aches and pains, or not feel like eating or being social. Work stress might make you worry a lot about your job, which can make you feel down. You might not enjoy things you used to, find it hard to concentrate or make decisions, and even have physical symptoms like a fast heart rate, headaches, or blurred vision. These are all signs that work stress is bothering you. It’s important to notice these signs and get help if you need it.

While everyone has tough days, if you have three or more of these symptoms for several weeks, it’s important to do something about it to manage your stress.

Going to see your local doctor (GP) is a good idea to make sure there isn’t something else causing these symptoms, like depression. If you think work stress is the problem, talking to your GP is a smart move.

People who are really stressed often have higher blood pressure, and when stress gets really bad, it can lead to health problems like heart disease, tummy issues, problems with the thyroid, ulcers, and even a higher risk of death, compared to people who are less stressed.

Dealing with work-related stress can be challenging, but there are ways to help you relax and feel better:

Take Time for Yourself: Find moments away from work to unwind. You can try things like a warm bath, listening to calming music, or simply taking a break from the world for a little while. It’s also helpful to talk to someone who understands.

Relax Your Mind and Body: Give yourself time to relax both mentally and physically. This can involve reading, doing some exercise, meditating, practicing yoga, or sharing your worries with someone you trust.

Stay Active: Regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress. It keeps your body and mind in better shape.

Pursue Hobbies: Make sure to do things you enjoy outside of work. Hobbies and fun activities can be a good distraction from stress.

Eat Well: Don’t skip meals; it can leave you feeling tired and drained. Eating nutritious meals helps keep your energy levels up.

Talk to Friends and Family: Spending time with loved ones and sharing your feelings can help you relax and release pent-up stress.

Learn to Say No: It’s okay to decline extra work or overtime if it adds to your stress. Be confident in setting boundaries.

Take Breaks at Work: Don’t stay glued to your desk. Take short breaks to relax or go for a brisk walk during your break time.

Plan Your Work: Sit down and organise your tasks. If you have too much to do, consider delegating some tasks and setting clear deadlines.

Talk to Your Manager: If all else fails, have a serious conversation with your supervisor about your workload. If necessary, think about finding a different job that suits you better.

Remember, it’s essential to take care of yourself and manage work-related stress to stay healthy and happy.

In 2008, a survey of 2,000 workers found that 46% of them considered their jobs to be very stressful. Every year, about 40 million workdays are missed because of stress-related health problems, costing businesses a whopping £1.5 billion.

Stress happens when you feel overwhelmed by the demands and pressures of your job. It can make it tough to handle your tasks and responsibilities, and you might feel anxious when trying to meet those demands. Stress isn’t just bad for your job; it can also harm your health.

Work-related stress counseling is when you talk to a counselor who knows about the business world and has helped both managers and employees create a healthier work environment. They understand the pressures of both work and personal life and can help you strike a better balance between them.

A Listening Ear: Your counselor will listen to your concerns and feelings about your job and work-related stress. They’re there to understand what you’re going through.

Support and Guidance: They’ll offer support and practical advice on how to cope with the stress you’re experiencing at work. They might suggest techniques to manage stress better.

Problem-Solving: You and your counselor will work together to find solutions to the issues causing your stress. This could involve changes at work or new ways to handle challenges.

Learning Coping Skills: You’ll learn skills to handle stress, like relaxation techniques or ways to manage your workload more effectively.

Confidentiality: Your conversations with your counselor are private. They won’t share your personal information with others, so you can talk openly.

A Safe Space: Counseling provides a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can express your feelings and worries without fear of criticism.

Regular Sessions: You’ll usually have several sessions with your counselor. The number of sessions varies depending on your needs and progress.

Improved Well-Being: Over time, counseling can help you feel better, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being at work and in your personal life.

Remember, work-related stress counseling is there to help you navigate through tough times and find ways to handle work stress better. It’s okay to seek help when you need it.

I’m Paul Parkin – A therapist and life coach. This is why you should work with me:

Paul Parkin Online CounsellorI’ve helped lots of people, including those who work in businesses, to lower the stress they feel from their jobs.

I use different counselling methods and life coaching strategies and tools to find effective practical solutions.

Online therapy is super convenient. You can get support from your home or even your car.

What some of my recent clients have said about our work together.

‘I continued working with Paul and found him very clear and liked his no nonsense approach. We worked through a number of strategies to manage anxiety and reduce stress, each of which I’ve found helpful in different ways.’

Dan. UK.
June 2023.

‘Thanks to the work with Paul, I feel like what has been a stressful year for me where I couldn’t see any positives amongst the despair, has now been completely turned around.’

Cal. UK.
September 2010.

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