Men’s Sexual Health: Understanding Libido, ED, and PE.
The term “Libido” may evoke some discomfort amongst many men, and phrases like erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE) are often unwelcome and very difficult subjects to discuss.
Men tend to be less inclined than women to seek medical advice and emotional support. Many men opt to research their health concerns online instead.
Online counseling and life coaching have proven highly effective for men, providing the advantage of anonymity from the comfort of one’s home or workplace. Additionally, you have the option to discuss these kinds of subjects with a male counselor who can empathise with your specific worries.

In this section, my aim is to provide valuable information to men. Please note that this information is not intended for diagnosing medical conditions, only a qualified doctor or physician can make such determinations concerning medical health.
Recognising that seeking medical attention can be challenging and uncomfortable for many men, I want to emphasise that often, simply talking to a trusted, professional male can significantly improve one’s well-being.
I hope you find the following information informative, and if you believe that discussing your concerns would be beneficial, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
My online counseling service guarantees complete 100% confidentiality, eliminating the possibility of embarrassment or added stress. Early diagnosis and treatment for certain conditions can help prevent unnecessary stress and safeguard your mental and physical health.
You can initiate a conversation with me, a qualified and experienced male face-to-face and online therapist and counselor, anonymously and from the convenience of your own home, workplace or even your car right away.
I’m Paul Parkin – A therapist and life coach. This is why you should work with me:
I have worked in the field of men’s health and other male orientated health issues consulting for several years both face to face and online life coaching.
I have helped Thousands of men who struggle with talking about private and sometimes, embarrassing issues.
Talking to a life coach online or even face-to-face offers men a safe, anonymous way to get professional and experienced help from another male without leaving the comfort of your home or work.
What some of my recent clients have said about our work together.
‘Paul helped me with erectile dysfunction and through our work together, we realised that my addiction to porn had severely affected my ability to be turned on under natural circumstances, which was a massive contributor to my erectile dysfunction.
When I did become aroused, I was unable to sustain arousal because of my unrealistic and heightened levels of dependence upon porn.
We treated it by slowly reducing the amount and frequency of porn use, over time, my erection problem was improved and I returned my brain to more normal levels of arousal, which resulted in me being able to have a more intimate connection with my wife.’
Mike. UK.
March 2023.
‘Paul helped me with my porn addiction, he worked with me regularly by slowly reducing the frequency and type of porn I was watching.
He also explained to me more about intimacy from a woman’s perspective, this resulted in me being able to better connect with my wife.
I realised through my work with Paul that I was using porn to compensate for an unsatisfactory relationship, which in turn made it even worse.
Paul helped with the porn addiction and his education. Around intimacy from my wife’s perspective has had a massive positive impact on our relationship.
My porn addiction is now fixed, and the relationship is in a much better place.‘
Fred. USA.
September 2022.