Facilitated group, topic based peer discussion/support for cross dressers
This will be a safe, anonymous space, facilitated by myself (Paul Parkin) I’m an experienced therapist and life coach and I have several years experience of facilitating group sessions.
Group users will all be individually invited as a result of one to one sessions, to make sure that each will benefit from being part of the facilitated group discussions.
Anonymity and confidentiality is key. So group user’s will be able to log-in to my own chat platform anonymously without any identifying information being shared with other users.
The group will be type-chat and voice only, to further protect people’s identities.
There will be a set of group rules created to protect people’s identities and create a respectful, safe environment, where men who cross dress can feel supported and part of a community of like-minded individuals and discuss the issues which matter to them.

Why I provide this service:
Since creating my online counselling website in 2007, I’ve had a very steady stream of clients from every corner of the world, who have sought support with cross dressing.
At times these individuals have felt so alone and desperate in relation to their often very misunderstood behaviour and triggers.
They often struggled to understand cross dressing, often feeling alone with an issue which can be distressing at times. This can have a huge impact on their relationships with themselves and their loved ones.
Although these men come from different countries and continents, the issues they face in relation to cross dressing are very much similar, wherever they are from.
I decided to create this therapeutic, facilitated group support option, at the request of several of my one-to-one clients, it seems that they feel they would benefit from having a safe, secure place, where they can speak with other individuals without compromising their identity.
There are some general concerns for most men who cross dress, I aim to explore these topics within the safe confines of this secure chat platform, entry will only be enabled by myself, making it secure and safe.
If you’re interested in this and have got to a place in your one-to-one therapy sessions, then maybe you too, would benefit from facilitated, peer discussion and support.
What some of my clients have said about the facilitated group.
‘Meeting others, even virtually is a difficult situation for most of us who have never shared our ‘secret’.
Paul has built a small community of people who care for each other and make you feel welcome and not awkward at all.
I am enjoying the chance to speak to others in similar situations and share as much as I am comfortable with.
I am looking forward to learning more about my new friends and to becoming the person I now know I can be’
M. Australia.
May 2024.
‘One of the highlights of Paul’s service are the online group discussions.
They offer an opportunity to virtually meet similarly minded people in a safe, anonymous and mutually supportive environment.
We compare experiences, challenges, similarities, differences and where we each are on our own individual journeys.
They instantly dispel any feeling of isolation for a crossdresser. I thoroughly enjoy and learn something from every session.’
B. UK.
April 2024.
‘It’s clear to see the lengths Paul has gone to in order to provide a safe and welcoming space for men who cross dress, it means so much to be able to speak safely, with other like minded men.
The anonymity, the ease of use and the welcoming atmosphere created in this group for men who crossdress, is something I really look forward to every couple of weeks.
The support and selfless sharing of the group members, offers another level of understanding, it seems we all learn something from each other.
The suggested discussions are always interesting and to hear different perspectives, from other cross dressers, from different corners of the world, all at different stages of their cross dressing journey, is so inspiring.
Thank you for developing and facilitating this wonderful group Paul, it’s quite literally changed my life and my relationship too.
My wife is also looking forward to a group discussion, for partners of men who crossdress.’
April 2024.
‘The group discussions have been very helpful. The sharing and the feeling of community have eased my feelings of isolation.
It is refreshing and reassuring to share experiences and to see the similarities and uniqueness of everyone’s path.’
April 2024.
A huge ‘THANK YOU’ for offering a group discussion option, to those of us who have previously accessed your one to one services.
I’ve already participated in several of these group discussions for men who crossdress and the benefit and value of talking to others that share my cross dressing tendencies is immeasurable.
I’m very grateful for the willingness of the other participants, who share their experiences so openly and honestly.
I no longer feel so isolated and alone on my journey. The environment is warm, friendly and very welcoming.
What I particularly like is the privacy and anonymity that it offers and that the level of one’s participation is totally up to each individual.
Your one-to-one counselling service and now this facilitated group discussion for men who cross dress are wonderful resources for anyone looking for support and guidance with their CD journey.’
Steve USA.
April 2024.
‘Hi Paul,
I liked the dynamic. You did a great job with the group, kept the conversation going and you’ve obviously put a lot of work into organising this.
I liked going around each of us as it gives everyone a chance to speak if they want to.
I liked the opportunity to just talk and get something off your mind too. Maybe leave some time aside to do this? Which I think worked well with the closing comments etc.
You can definitely tell people have talked to you already and it’s great getting a group like this together.
Thanks for everything again.’
P. UK.
October 2023.