Mindful Relationships – 2 More Top Tips For A Better Relationship

By |2023-06-16T22:37:28+01:00April 25, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

Yesterday I wrote about the importance and benefits of introducing mindfulness into our relationships and shared some tips for achieving a more satisfying relationship with ourselves and significant others. Today I want to continue with two more top tips that should help you kick start an existing or start afresh with a new relationship, but please remember that meaningfulness begins [...]

Parenting – Stressed Children Are Rarely Happy Children – Part 2

By |2023-06-16T22:37:55+01:00April 23, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

To give your children the best chance of happiness and success as children and later as adults I wrote yesterday about the importance of communication with them from birth, and teaching them how to express their feelings and emotions is critical to achieving emotionally intelligent children and future adults. The lessons you teach your child from birth will stay with [...]

Parenting – Stressed Children Are Rarely Happy Children

By |2023-06-16T22:37:55+01:00April 22, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

How many times do you hear of happy contented babies and toddlers, often or not so often? Well in my work as an online counsellor and previously with the NSPCC working with children and families, it seemed to be an exception rather than the rule. It wasn't always difficult to see why, families and parenting is a minefield of emotions and feeling, [...]

Relationship Rescue – 5 More Great Tips

By |2023-06-16T22:37:57+01:00April 20, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

Yesterday I shared 5 'Relationship Rescue' tips, today I have another 5 for you. If you can slowly integrate these 10 Great 'Relationship Rescue' tips into your relationship, then you will see an improvement which will make you both happier in your lives. If you are heading for separation or divorce and you want to save your relationship or even make your [...]

Relationship Rescue – 5 Great Tips

By |2023-06-16T22:37:58+01:00April 19, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

Every relationship has its problems and challenges, some of the issues are to do with the relationship and some are to do with the two individuals. If you are struggling with your relationship, if it has felt troubled for some time then these 5 tips will help. There will be another 5 tips tomorrow. In any relationship there are arguments, [...]

Why does love hurt?

By |2023-06-16T22:37:58+01:00April 18, 2013|Counsellors Online Blog|

No matter who we are, sometimes love hurts, it definitely hurts when the person we love hurts us in any number of ways, but what about the day to day feelings of disappointment, let downs and generally not feeling as loved as the words that stumble out of his/her mouth. Those three words 'I love You' are often used without [...]

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